- Ph.D. Biljana Lalcevska Serafimovska
Director - Ed.M. Darko Bageski
Art director - Ph.D. Tomislav Tanevski
Expert associate for music and stage activity
Respected guitar lovers,
Ten years ago, the idea to organized festival I international competition for classic guitar was born, TREMOLO, first of its kind in our country. During these ten years, this festival become manifestation that united the lovers of classical guitar.
Children cultural center Karposh has long and rich tradition in organization of numberless cultural events and manifestations, the evidence for that are the multiply of rewards and recognitions in the country and the world, the festival is supported by the City of Skopje. Together, city of Skopje and Children cultural center Karposh has enrich cultural scene named guitar, music, inspiration.
During these years great number of eminent soloists and teachers, world known artists on classical guitar, make their contribution to the unique character of this festival.
Each edition of this festival is story of its own, inspiration for the young generations in their cultural formation.
With successful realization of the festival TREMOLO, Children cultural center – Karposh participate in the development of this kind of art in our country.
The success is way of thinking and habit in which hand, heart and mind work together!
We strongly believe in bright future of the festival TREMOLO.