Concert of young talents

Georgi Trajkov

28.10.2024 / 19:00 h
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence

Concert of young talents

Vegim Kuchi

28.10.2024 / 19:00 h
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence

Concert of young talents

Duo Balkan
(Luna Piljić & Matej Detelj)

28.10.2024 / 19:00 h
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence

Concert of young talents

Jetmir Mehmedi & Vullnet Neziri

28.10.2024 / 19:00 h
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence

Carlos Sánchez

El Sonido de la vida
Flamenco evening

29.10.2024 / 19:30 h
Macedonian Philharmonic (Small Concert Hall)

Cassie Martin


30.10.2024 / 19:00 h
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence

Jimmy Liu


30.10.2024 / 19:30 h
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence

28.10.2024 / 19:00 h

Concert of young talents

  • Georgi Trajkov
  • Vegim Kuchi
  • Duo Balkan
    (Luna Piljić & Matej Detelj)
  • Jetmir Mehmedi & Vullnet Neziri

Location: Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence

29.10.2024 / 19:30 h

Carlos Sánchez
El Sonido de la vida

Flamenco evening

Location: Macedonian Philharmonic (Small Concert Hall)

30.10.2024 / 19:00 h

Cassie Martin

Location: Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence

30.10.2024 / 19:30 h

Jimmy Liu

Location: Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence
